H0-Switching layout based on Trix C Track on 240×100 cm with Freight yard, Fiddle Yard and Grain Lift

Grain Mill
Shed for locomotive of the mill
Grain Yard
Grain yard and interchange track
Run around
Pull-out track to operate the loading points to the left
Loading ramp with several sheds and storages
Head ramp
Road bridge to the freight station. At the same time it hides the curved track a bit
Freight station, with bypass and stump track for locomotive change.
Fiddle yard
Increase in the curve from 0 cm in the freight station to 5 cm in Wallscheid
Mirror to enlarge the scene
H0 Gleisplan: Getreide und Mehlübergabe in Wallscheidt
The challenge was to create a small switching layout with the TRIX C Track in H0 Gauge. It should be easy to build and to be removable and stowable. The size is about 8 x 3.3 ft. I have once seen a small switching layout with a grain lift wich i found pretty cool. So I decided to take that as the core element of the switching layout.
In the front I placed the 3 track fiddle yard. in a long turn the track leads to the station with the interchange track the switch to the grain-yard and a couple of smaller sheds and workshops. To create a idea of distance the fiddle yard is about 2inch lower than te yard. A road bridge and a couple of trees shall cover the bow between Fiddle yard and switching yard in the rear part.
Trix C Track and Märklin C-Gleis are almost the same. But Märklin C-Track has a few more elements than Trix. Slip switches are missing completely at Trix so there is a special challenge to create a small switching layout with the less options of Trix C track.